The Permaculture Gardens
"Worms are cool
They recycle animal stool
Which is good for nature
That is their best feature
It makes plants healthy
And makes the gardeners wealthy
Be wise to take care of them
They are soils living gem
Look at all trees and plants
See how they dance
It's all because of worms
That is how it works
So be kind to each fellow
A good thing will follow
They are recycling catalysts
Let's be nature's analysts"
- Headspace volunteer

Friday morning BUSY BEE
A busy-bee is held every Friday morning from 9 am in the gardens of Earthwise. Volunteers are encouraged to learn about permaculture and to put into practice the principles of organic gardening. This is followed by a light lunch ;)​
Permaculture is a concept of design that uses the principles of organic growing in a holistic garden system. It involves a commitment to sustainability and encourages individuals and communities to become involved and responsible for their environment, as an alternative to just a 'use and throw away' mentality.
Permaculture also involves a commitment to the connections between people. Our gardens were designed and built by young unemployed people through a youth training incentive, Landcare and Environment Action Programme (LEAP), in 1996.
Many of the participants are still involved in the continuation and growth of the Earthwise gardens on a cooperative basis.
The garden is a place for the public to see and enjoy. People are welcome to wander through and touch, smell and taste something fresh.

Allotment Gardens
Have your own space!
We offer Your own allotment at Earthwise in a fenced off area, you can meet other gardeners and enjoy your own spoils.